Supporting the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals with music

Our vision is to empower people to transform their life experience and state of mind on a global scale using the Conscious Music Code technique

– Using the power of music to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3, 12 & 16

By 2030, we aim to reach at-least 10 million people across the world with our wellness-tech

sustainable development goals
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SDG 3: Good Health & Wellbeing

Our immersive, multisensory, engaging, transformative experiences with music, and scalable well-tech allows us to reach people globally - empowering them with a unique tool for their own wellbeing.

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SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Conscious Music Movement - Creating awareness about consciously producing and consuming music that empowers people. Music affects us. Let the effect be good.

Conscious Music Movement - Creating awareness about consciously producing and consuming music that empowers people. Music affects us. Let the effect be good.

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong institutions

Contributing to peace efforts by transforming the inner state of pioneers, leaders, front line workers, government officials with our l transformative music-based processes. Strengthening institutions by empowering people. Our daily music based rituals, engage people in constant self-evolution

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